Just a little chronicle of our lives. Hope you enjoy! We love you all!

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Visiting Santa

We went to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop again this year.  Keller was a big fan of the ATV's....but didn't like Santa QUITE as much as last year!  :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thanksgiving 2011

I must apologize, I haven't had a chance to post in a long time.  We lost our camera, but luckily found it and just now retrieved all the pictures from it.  So, we begin with Thanksgiving 2011.  We had a wonderful time with all our family...attending a total of 4 Thanksgiving dinners over a 4 day period.  Keller had a great time with his cousins, and for some reason, was obsessed with pushing chairs around the floor.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cousin Campbell Turns 5

Keller's cousin Campbell will be 5 on the 30th of November.  The Jones family was here for Thanksgiving, so we took the opportunity to celebrate while they were here.   She's getting big entirely too fast!

Oooo Scary Skeleton

Keller was a skeleton for Halloween this year.  He was supposed to be a zebra, but the costume I bought (big) one month early, was wayyy too small.  Thank goodness for the skeleton pajamas he got for his birthday!  We went to my grandmothers, and my moms for "trick or treating"   Instead of candy, Keller got all his favorite foods...and a few presents!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Addition to the Family

Don't get too excited, I'm not pregnant....but my sister is!  We will be welcoming a wonderful little boy or girl in May of 2012.  Campbell is excited to be a big sister and Keller can't wait to have a new cousin...maybe it'll be a boy!  :)

15 Month Shots

Keller had his 15 month checkup this week. He is a happy, healthy toddler at 25.2lbs and 31" long.  He liked the doctor pretty well (Dr. Gist was my pediatrician too) but he was not too fond of the nurse that was giving shots.  I was "that mom" taking pictures.  :)