Just a little chronicle of our lives. Hope you enjoy! We love you all!

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Friday, December 10, 2010

I Can Read

Keller has started to really enjoy being read to in the evenings! He even turns the pages sometimes, although he usually accidentally proceeds to slam the book shut with his other hand.

Visiting Santa

Keller got to go see Santa last week! After waiting in line for about 30 minutes, and finishing a bottle while waiting, he did really well for us & took a good picture. Next year might be a bigger challenge....but for now Santa doesn't scare Keller at all!

Teething Beads

Keller is a little bit obsessed with his teething beads. He LOVES them and even had to go to sleep holding them the other night. We're not sure if he's actually teething, but it seems to make him happy to chew on them all the time.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sitting Up

Keller is getting so big so fast! He can now hold his head up very well & loves to sit in the Bumbo chair to look around!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Decorating for Christmas

We got most of our Christmas decorations up on Monday. Eric worked really hard, and the house looks great! Keller & I came out to help, but by the time he took a picture with Dad he was a little cold & grumpy. We're going to get our Christmas tree this weekend & I'm pretty excited!

Keller Screams

Keller has discovered his voice....and he uses it to scream at the top of his lungs like a teradactyl when he plays!


We had 3 wonderful Thanksgiving's this year! Thanksgiving Eve was spent with the Stephens family, Thanksgiving day with the Poteet/Wise family & Sunday with the Ashworths. However, I only remembered to pull out the camera when we were with Eric's mom's side of the family. We thought it was pretty funny that Keller was wearing a shirt that said "I'm stuffed" and the best picture of the 3 of us was of him yawning with his hand on his belly!

Going Hunting

Eric has been going hunting some since it's deer season & shot a buck the other day. Keller was excited & has decided he'll be a hunter one day too! :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Kansas City Trip

This weekend, Keller & I took a trip to Kansas City to see my sister & her family with my parents. Eric had to work, so he didn't get to come, but we had a great time! We got a sitter to watch Keller & my niece, Campbell, on Saturday so we could all go to the KU vs. OSU game. We were also able to celebrate Campbell's 4th birthday! It was a great weekend!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Family Daycare

My mom & her cousin Marcy have an arrangement that allows Keller and Marcy's granddaughter Jorryn to stay with them during the week instead of going to daycare. They alternate days working & watching the babies. Keller hasn't gone much, since I've been working from home, but we're going to start taking him 2 days a week so he can socialize. Jorryn is 2 weeks older than Keller and has a head full of hair! One day when I took Keller over to my moms, he & Jorryn played for a long time and then crashed out around the same time....and they even happened to be wearing matching outfits!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Best Friends.....Sort Of

Emerie & Keller are about the same size! He's a little heavier & a little longer, but they still look pretty close when they lay next to eachother.
Eric says he can't wait to show Keller's first girlfriend a picture of Keller & his wiener!

Keller Plays

The video is a little grainy....but if you keep it small, it's better.

Getting Dressed

We let Keller dress himself for the first time last week.
We told him & told him that something wasn't right.....but he insisted on going out this way. :)


For Halloween this year, Keller got to be a few things! For the first part of the day he was a giraffe. In the evening, our friends Chris & Chasity had a Halloween party, so I was a police officer, Eric was a bank robber & Keller was a bag of money! He stayed in costume long enough to take a picture & then hung out with dad & watched football. We had a great time...and were even home by 10 pm! Oh the life of parents! :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Londyn's 2nd Birthday

My good friend Ashlee's daughter, Londyn, turns 2 this week and Keller attended her party on Sunday! He had a great time watching all the festivities! Another of my good friends brought her brand new, 1 week old twins Kingston & Deakon. It was a wonderful Minnie Mouse themed party & Londyn was SO excited to get her first tricycle!

Londyn / Dinah & Keller (he LOVED Dinah) / Keller hanging out

Ashlee & Londyn / Deakon & Kingston / First Tricycle!


Keller & I stayed the night at Great Grandpa Newell & Great Grandma Loretta's house this past Saturday night. Grandpa Bill & Elisi Rhonda stayed over and Cousin Dave & Cousin Lacey came to visit. We had a wonderful time & it was so nice to be able to spend more time with them!

Great Grandma Loretta / Grandpa Bill & Elisi Rhonda / The Family
Cousin Lacey / Grandpa Bill

Grandmas Rocker

When I was little, my grandparents bought me a rocker. My grandma tells the story that I got in it at the store & had so much fun rocking in it that they just had to buy it! She was kind enough to keep it and give it to us for Keller. He loves being rocked before he goes to sleep....the only problem is it puts us to sleep too!