Just a little chronicle of our lives. Hope you enjoy! We love you all!

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cousin Campbell Turns 5

Keller's cousin Campbell will be 5 on the 30th of November.  The Jones family was here for Thanksgiving, so we took the opportunity to celebrate while they were here.   She's getting big entirely too fast!

Oooo Scary Skeleton

Keller was a skeleton for Halloween this year.  He was supposed to be a zebra, but the costume I bought (big) one month early, was wayyy too small.  Thank goodness for the skeleton pajamas he got for his birthday!  We went to my grandmothers, and my moms for "trick or treating"   Instead of candy, Keller got all his favorite foods...and a few presents!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Addition to the Family

Don't get too excited, I'm not pregnant....but my sister is!  We will be welcoming a wonderful little boy or girl in May of 2012.  Campbell is excited to be a big sister and Keller can't wait to have a new cousin...maybe it'll be a boy!  :)

15 Month Shots

Keller had his 15 month checkup this week. He is a happy, healthy toddler at 25.2lbs and 31" long.  He liked the doctor pretty well (Dr. Gist was my pediatrician too) but he was not too fond of the nurse that was giving shots.  I was "that mom" taking pictures.  :)

Welcoming Quinndilyn Elizabeth Walsh

 We welcomed a new friend and neighbor on October 25, 2011.  My best friend Krisa, who lives across the street, had her baby girl at 6:00 pm weighing in at 8.8 lbs. Mom and baby Quinn are home from the hostpital and doing wonderful.

Staying with Grandpa Bill & Elise

When I went to Houston for my cousins wedding, Keller went to stay with his Grandpa Bill & Elise.  He had a great time and she sent back a few of the many pictures she took.  Keller loves going there to visit!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ashworth-Roach Wedding

My cousin Paula got married October 15, 2011. My parents, sister and I were lucky enough to fly down to Houston and share in the event. We took family vacations to the beach with my Aunt Paula & my Uncle John's families when we were little, so all the cousins getting together again was a wonderful family reunion.

Monday, October 10, 2011

OU / Texas with the Eubanks

Keller's friend Adilynn and her parents came over to watch the OU/Texas game.  We had a great time and the kids are finally old enough that they actually play on their playdates!  Adilynn is almost exactly 4 months younger than Keller, so he had to show her how all this toys worked. Keller was a gentleman. He brought her toys to play with and let her hold on to him to stand up....but when it came to driving the car, he wanted nothing to do with giving up his drivers seat.  And so it begins.  :-)


Nguyen - French Wedding

We welcomed a new member of the family on October 1, 2011.  Zach and Melissa had a beautiful wedding in Oklahoma City.  At the reception we had a lot of fun in the photo booth...Eric's grandpa LD was a great sport!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Keller's First Drawing

Keller brought home his first drawing.  When asked what he had drawn he replied "DA"  It could be a dog, duck, car or cup....but whatever it is, he felt we should have known just by looking that is was OBVIOUSLY a DA!   Wonderful art Keller bug.